They Did It Right!

“They did it right. Dated for ten years, got engaged, got married, and now they are having a baby.” This is what Adrienne Bailon said about her sister Claudette during her new show on the Style Network: Empire Girls.

The show features Adrienne and her best friend Julissa Bermudez. Although their TV series focuses on Adrienne’s singing career and Julissa’s search for the next big host gig, a recipe for a perfect reality series is not complete without relationship talk, gossip, and everything in between.

Getting back to my main paragraph, Miss Bailon uttered those words on the last episode. My ears perked up when I heard it, and my blogging mind started going a mile a minute. What does she mean, “did it right?” I literally know what she means, but when she says it like that it makes it seem like people have a choice, almost insinuating that others choose to do it wrong?

It is wonderful that her sister was able to be with someone for that long, get engaged to that same someone, marry that same someone, and have a baby with that same someone.

Not everyone has that luck though. It is not like anyone wants to do it “wrong.” There is not one girl I am friends with who wouldn’t want Claudette’s life! Who doesn’t want a healthy, happy long relationship and end up marrying that best friend? That was rhetorical, because of course the answer is… “duh, sign me up.”

Adrienne is not the only one with those feelings on a situation like that. The reason she and others resort to saying something so peculiar is that relationships are so messed up today.

Whatever happened to having a high school sweetheart, getting pinned, having four kids together, and celebrating a 50th wedding anniversary with the grandchildren? Ah, we call that Pleasantville. It was actually a movie starring Reese Witherspoon and Toby McGuire. Or maybe on a more personable note, it would be my wonderful grandparents, bless their hearts.

Unfortunately, very few people “do it right” nowadays. Not because they want to, but because the dating scene has changed. Guys who come out of college don’t want a relationship, they want to live in the hottest city to hook up with the hottest girls just because they can.

Then girls react to this and pretend they love the single life, half-off Margarita moments with friends, and waking up hungover down the shore every Sunday morning in the summer. In reality, if that party girl finds the right guy, she is willing to forego the frozen lime beverage to have some genuine company and love. But, they have to wait for the guys to want to commit and that could be awhile.

Such a drawn out analysis over one quote that was said in a reality series, but I think it was worth it! Now go out there and find a guy who is worth it so you too can “do it right.”

PS: Empire Girls kind of rocks, so you should group a Martini and check it out. 🙂


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