Probably the two most important things you will learn about your iPhone have nothing to do with an App. Safety first should be your first encounter with an iPhone or any smart phone really and we’re not talking about the safety of your identity. We’re talking about the hard core rules of the physical phone.
It’s been said Smart phones make great computers, but lousy telephones. The fact we no longer use the word “tele-phone” in our vocabulary, preferring to just shorten it to “phone” proves we pretty much don’t care anymore. That is until we are in the middle of an important meeting driving down the 1-40 and the call drops out. Be that as it may let’s discuss “safety first.”
It is important to remember the iPhone is made of glass on both sides of the phone. Glass, not plastic. It is real hard glass and glass has a tendency to break and break easily. This is why for the first rule of thumb you really do need the scratch guard which all phone stores sell. They are inexpensive and they are necessary and they should be changed frequently.
The scratch guard does exactly what is says it will do; keep your phone from getting scratched. No one wants to view a scratched up monitor in their hands. And use them on both sides of your iPhone. Glass scratches very easily but it can be protected. Plastic scratches easily and it’s permanent and ugly so glass is better but it too needs protection.
The second protection item is the cover and not just any cover. Most folks like the hard plastic covers which come in all sorts of colors and designs. This is a marketing tool and nothing else. The hard cover does not protect your phone if you drop it or accidently fling it against a wall. It is hard, just like glass is hard, and can break. If it breaks it can very easily damage your phone which is inside.
Instead get a thick rubber cover or even a slip over pouch with a fold over magnetic lock. These are the best ways to protect your phone. The enclosed cover works really well but the downside is you have to open and close it all the time and take your phone out to use it. It is a bit inconvenient. Perhaps the better way is to protect your phone with the full rubber cover.
The rubber cover encases your phone and you will be allowed many drops on the corner to the concrete before you do break the phone, if ever. The rubber cover, much like the tires on your car, really do protect the iPhones well. The only downside is after a lot of usage the rubber has a tendency to expand for some reason leaving our phone vulnerable to slip. If this happens they are inexpensive enough to replace with another rubber cover.
The last item on the protection agenda is where you put the smart phone in transit. Everyone today should have a shirt with a pocket. This is absolutely the best place to store the phone. In your coat pocket you can forget it when you remove the coat. If your side pocket it can easily get damaged if your leg hits a table leg.
Never, never, never put it in your hip pocket. One time sitting on your iPhone and getting glass in your hind quarters will cure you of that. Not only will you need a new expensive phone but your doctor bills could be a little more to deal with. Sitting on your phone is no fun.
Putting the phone in a shirt or blouse pocket is the most natural and best as well as secure way to protect that all important on board computer you carry constantly.
Aaron Mills is a tech writer and blogger. He writes on behalf of leading brands such as Identity Theft Protection from Protect Your Bubble