Tips to Undo Summer Hair Damage

(PCM) Summer can really do a number on your hair; the sun, chlorine, and salt weather are a recipe for disaster and damage! If the last few months have left you with dry, brittle hair, it’s time for damage control! Here are a few tips to undo some of the summer damage:

1. Give your hair a break from the heat. It’s been exposed to the hot sun all summer long, not to mention blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons. Try to cut back on the styling, or at least load up on heat-protecting products that but a barrier between your hair and the heat. Turn down the temperature on your irons, and blow dry your hair on a lower setting.

2. Cut back on washing. Go ahead, get a little dirty! Every time you wash your hair, you’re stripping your scalp and hair of its natural oils, which can dry out the hair and leave it more prone to damage. Cut down on the number of times you shampoo to three or four times a week.

3. Use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioners. It cleans and conditions your hair without stripping it of its natural oils, leaving your hair soft and less prone to damage.

4. Use a wide-toothed comb when your hair is wet. Yanking on wet hair with a regular brush rips and break off hair, leaving you with split ends and a messy brush.

5. Apply leave-in conditioners and hair masks. DIY: The Best All-Natural Hair Treatments

6. Eat more nutritiously! When it comes to beautiful, healthy hair, what you put in your body is almost as important as what you put on your hair. Increase your intake of lean proteins like salmon, legumes and lentils, iron, and healthy fats, such as avocados, olives, and nuts.


PCM Lifestyle