(PCM) The White House has released a new PSA against sexual assault as part of the 1 is 2 Many campaign yesterday as part of a much needed effort to combat sexual assault in the United States.
The PSA features Vice President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, Daniel Craig, Seth Meyers, Benicio Del Toro, Steve Carrell, and Dulé Hill standing up against sexual assault and making an appeal for accountability and responsibility to end sexual assault.
In the PSA, a call for action is made to the American public to stop sexual assault by saying something if you see something, respecting other’s boundaries, and knowing that sexual assault takes place when when consent is not given, and it’s a crime.
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden make it clear that in order for there to be an end to sexual assault, everyone needs to join the fight and be part of the solution.
The 1 is 2 Many campaign is a part of VP Joe Biden’s long running efforts to end sexual assault; in 1990, Biden introduced the Violence Against Women Act in Congress which changed law enforcement practices, improved the criminal justice system, and created a network of services for victims.
In September of 2011, Biden created the 1 is 2 Many campaign because even 1 incident is too many. The campaign focuses mainly on women in the 16-24 age group, which is the group that faces the highest rates of dating violence and sexual assault. The 1 is 2 Many campaign acknowledges that men are also survivors of sexual assault and uses technology and outreach to get the message out and to help reduce dating violence and sexual assault among students, teens and young adults.
Watch the 60-second PSA below and learn more information about the 1 is 2 Many campaign here as well as the Obama Administration’s Record on Violence Against Women here and the White House Council on Women and Girls’ Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renew Call to Action.