Who Says Fiber Has to be Boring? Surprisingly Delicious Fiber Finds!

A high-fiber diet doesn’t have to be tasteless! When a lot of people think of fiber, they think dry bran crackers, oats and barley, or chalky powders, but believe it or not, fiber is hidden in all kinds of surprisingly delicious foods! It’s time to rethink fiber!

Fiber is more important than you think – getting enough in your diet can cut your risk for heart disease, improve your health, and help you lose weight. Here are some of the most delicious sources:

Pears. Pears rank high up on the list of surprisingly fiber-rich foods, ranging between 4.4 and 5.5 grams depending on the type.

Berries. Blackberries and raspberries contain 4 grams of fiber per serving! Eat them by themselves, or top cereal and yogurt with the fiber-rich fruit.

Cocoa powder. Make your own hot chocolate with 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder, a cup of milk or hot water, and an all natural sweetener for 4 grams of fiber!

Sweet potato. Leave the skin on and you’ll get up to 4 grams of fiber in this nutritious potato.

Dried figs. Forget fig newton cookies – dried figs are sweet enough on their own, and they give you nearly 4 grams of fiber per serving!

Pumpkin. Whip up a healthy pumpkin bread, pie, or even stew with this fiber superstar! A half-cup of canned pumpkin has about 3.6 grams of fiber.

See – who says fiber has to be boring and tasteless!?


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