If you haven’t joined the hiking trend yet, what are you waiting for? Sure, people have been hiking forever, but now gym rats and exercise newbies are catching on to it’s benefits, too. Hiking is a great way to enjoy the beautiful outdoors and get in shape at the same time, toning your lower body and burning hundreds of calories an hour!
Whether you make it a social outing with friends and family, or go solo to escape the world, hiking burns major calories without the dreadful feeling that comes with cardio machines. A study from the Universities of Rome and Cassino indicates that walking on uneven paths can help you burn approximately 13 more calories per minute and engage more muscles than walking on smooth, level ground does, and that’s exactly what you get on a good hiking trail. The steeper and rockier the better!
Not into hiking? Fine, but don’t miss out on the benefits. Raise your treadmill’s incline to at least 3 percent for a similar burn!