14 Surprising Uses for Everyday Household Items!

Things aren’t always as they seem. Here are a few simple tips for getting the most out of your household items, in surprising new ways!

Lemon Juice for Whitening Whites: Forget bleach! Pour 1 cup of lemon juice into the washer to boost your laundry detergent and whiten clothes.

Baking Soda as Hair Cleanser: Daily use of hair products (hairspray, gel, mousse, even shampoo and conditioner) can cause build-up and weigh your hair down. When your regular shampoo isn’t ridding your hair of build-up or giving you the squeaky clean results you long for, try adding baking soda to the mix! Just add a pinch or two to your regular shampoo once a week to rid your hair of product buildup.

Hair Spray as a Lipstick Stain Remover: Just spray a little hairspray on that stubborn lipstick stain, let it sit for 10 minutes, and dab it with a damp cloth.  Then just throw it in the wash as you normally would, and voila!

Cooking Spray as Manicure Setter: You know that spray that most nail salons have by the nail dryers for super fast drying? Well cooking spray basically does the same thing! Just spray and go!

Sugar as Lip Scrub: Make your own lip scrub at home with something everyone has in the kitchen – sugar! Make a paste of sugar and petroleum jelly and gently brush on dry, peeling lips with a toothbrush until your lips are kissably smooth.

Lemon as a Nail Color Fix: Clear up those yellow-tinted nails with lemon! Take off any nail polish and stick your finger in half a lemon wedge to remove the tint and have lemon scented fingertips!

Conditioner as Shaving Cream: Conditioner is a perfect alternative to shaving cream when you run out – if it isn’t an expensive brand! Don’t use your good stuff, but that conditioner you bought on sale that isn’t doing much for your hair is perfect.

Coffee Grinds as Firming Body Scrub: Coffee grounds have been shown to be an effective anti-cellulite remedy. Save the used coffee grounds from your morning pot of coffee and mix with a little olive oil and warm water. Rub the mixture on your legs or wherever else could use a little firming! Let it sit for a few minutes, and rinse. Caffeine is a natural diuretic and will temporarily help to remove excess water in the cells, diminishing the appearance of cellulite.

Lemon and Baking Soda as a Stain Remover: Cut a lemon in half and sprinkle baking soda on the cut section. Use the lemon to scrub dishes, surfaces, and stains.

Lemon for Garbage Disposal Deodorizer: Think about all the gunk that goes down your garbage disposal, and think about how much probably gets stuck in there. Still wondering where that stink is coming from? Throw a lemon wedge down the disposal to freshen the drain and get rid of any sink stink!

Apples as Sodium Saver: When you’ve put too much salt in sauces, soups, and other liquid-based dishes, drop a few apple slices in the pot. Let them cook in the pot for about 10 minutes to remove some of the excess salt!

Dryer Sheet for Smelly Shoes: Place a dryer sheet in smelly shoes and let them sit overnight. Remove in the morning and you should have some stink-free shoes! You can also throw a sheet in your gym back or other offending places!

Shower Hooks for Closet Organization: Running out of places to store handbags, hats, and other accessories? If you have extra shower hooks laying around, they are perfect for hanging all that extra stuff in your closet.

Newspaper for Cleaning Windows: Believe it or not, newspaper actually works better than paper towels for cleaning windows. If you’re not getting that streak-free shine from paper towels and Windex, try wiping with crumbled up newspaper instead. Coffee filters are also a good substitute when you run out.


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