Netflix Invents Socks That Can Predict Your Sleeping Habits!


(PCM) They may not know if you’ve been naughty or nice, however the new ‘Netflix Socks’ can sense when you are down for a long winter’s nap this holiday season.

The newly designed DIY socks have a special sensor that will automatically pause the movie or episode of a TV show that you are viewing if you happen to nod off in the middle. The company is calling the new technology ‘actigraphy’ and explains the new project by saying:

“We’ve based our sleep detection system on a popular method called actigraphy. An accelerometer detects when you’ve stopped moving for a prolonged period of time and triggers a signal to your TV that pauses Netflix. When it detects that you’ve dozed off, an LED light in the cuff of the sock flashes red, warning that the pause signal is about to be sent to your TV. Any motion will stop it from firing.
The accelerometer is very sensitive to little movements, so it’s good at detecting when you’re just sitting still, raptly watching Netflix, and when you’ve actually fallen asleep.”

The invention of the DIY Netflix Socks follows the companies previous DIY project The Switch which allows users to dim the lights, order take out and start Netflix programming with the single touch of a button. Netflix shared the detailed plans and parts list for The Switch so that users could make their very own.

Step-by-step instructions can be found at and if you are not the best knitter Netflix suggests enlisting the help of a knitting-savvy friend and possibly one who can navigate the world of electronics and soldering irons as well!



PCM Lifestyle