A Balanced Breakfast = A Day of Success

By now you’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but there are more reasons than just weight loss or management to make sure you’re eating it!  Yes, it’s important to be at a healthy weight, and eating a healthy balanced breakfast can help you get there, but it can also do so much more. A healthy breakfast sets you for a day of success!

A morning meal full of protein, healthy fats and fiber can improve your mood and supply the energy needed to face the day. Think about how cranky and groggy people get when they’re tired and dragging in the morning – I bet they don’t eat breakfast, or they aren’t eating the right one! Skip the processed, high carb junk like donuts and sugary cereals, and opt for banana and peanut-butter on a high fiber english muffin or a cup of Greek yogurt mixed with berries and honey instead.

Breakfast also improves the ability to problem solve and stay on task. Studies show kids who eat breakfast do better in school, so why wouldn’t it hold true for adults, too?

And of course, studies show people who eat breakfast are at a healthier weight than those who don’t. Eating a healthy breakfast high in protein and fiber will rev your metabolism and help stabilize blood sugar levels later in the day. You won’t be as tempted to hit the vending machine mid-morning or grab a donut in the conference room.

A few healthy breakfast ideas:

  • Whole grain waffle topped with greek yogurt, honey, and berries
  • Greek yogurt or cottage cheese mixed with fruit and high-fiber cereal
  • Peanut butter or nut butter spread on a slice of whole wheat bread, waffle, or english muffin
  • Whey protein shake blended with leafy greens and fruit 
  • High fiber cereal >3 grams of fiber, with skim milk and a piece of fruit
  • Omelet made with 2 egg whites and one whole egg, piece of fruit
  • Oatmeal or steel cut oats topped with fruit and honey



PCM Lifestyle