(PCM) What a genius idea! There is an app in the UK called “Too Good To Go” that allows people to purchase leftover food from various cafes and fancy dining establishments for a fraction of the price it would normally cost to dine. On average a “Too Good To Go” meal could equal out to about two British pounds which is the approximate equivalent to $2.60 in U.S. currency.
How do we not have this here in the States already?
It is a fantastic way to avoid having all of that perfectly good food go to waste. Seriously, why not make a little money off it and feed some hungry people rather than have it do nothing but rot in a garbage can. Co-founder of “Too Good To Go” James Crummie says “Food waste just seems like one of the dumbest problems we have in this world. The restaurant industry is wasting about 600,000 tons of food each year, and in the U.K. alone there are one million people on emergency food parcels from food banks. Why do we have these two massive social issues that are completely connected, yet there is not much going on to address them?” He makes a completely valid point. One in six U.S. households go hungry, while restaurants throw away 40% of their food each and every day.
How is works is, users can pick up their meals an hour before closing time at the restaurant of their choosing. Ordering through the app is simply like waiting until the last minute to grab takeout before heading home to Netflix and Chill! Here’s to hoping that we can get something like this started up in the States sometime soon, as we think it is an utterly fantastic idea and a perfect way to be environmentally conscious and cut down on the massive problem of food waste.