Bandelettes: Do They Work? 100% Yes!

(PCM) We recently found ourselves in search of a product that would help us defeat the dreaded and painful experience of thigh chafing, especially when trying to rock our super cute summer dresses and work out gear. It seems as if we had tried everything under the sun to avoid the infamous “chub rub” and nothing appeared to do the trick … that is until we discovered Bandelettes!

Bandelettes are gorgeously designed stretchy and light-weight bands that fit around your thigh area to prevent inner thigh chafing and as a bonus, they look adorable as well! Bandelettes are available in a lace design, as well as, just a plain solid band each featuring two silicone strips which help the Bandelettes stay in place throughout the day. They consist of 90% nylon and 10% spandex.

The price point for Bandelettes is also worth noting, as many anti-chafing products can be quite expensive, however Bandelettes sell for under $20, making them one of the most affordable.

We have tried all the various powders and creams available for preventing thigh chafing and have to say that while the Body Glide stick and the Monistat Chafing Powder Relief Gel should get an honorable mention, as they did do the trick, but only for a little while, as we did have to reapply, the Bandelettes were a perfect choice for all-day comfort and protection.

Bandelettes come in a variety of sizes and colors so you are sure to find a perfect fit and match for your fashion needs. We tried out the Bandelettes in black lace, nude lace, and the solid nude band and each worked equally well. The only downside to the Bandelettes is that they can take some getting used to when you first put them on!

You have to try out wearing them a few different places on your thigh to find just the right spot. We also had to convince ourselves that they were actually going to stay in place. A few times it felt as if the Bandelettes were going to slip down, however each time we checked, they were right in place and it was most likely just the sense of movement and not being used to having material wrapped around our thighs.

Other than those few small complaints we adored the Bandelettes. We have always tried to wear some kind of shorts or leggings under our dresses, but with Bandelettes we don’t have to worry about layering up any longer and they are incredibly easy to conceal, even under shorter style dresses.

We can say for sure that the Bandelettes are certainly going to become a staple in our closets, and secret weapon against “chub rub” for years to come! This is one secret weapon we can’t wait to share!

Check out the Bandelettes website for additional information and to place and order!



PCM Lifestyle