Ben & Jerry’s Unveils New Core Ice Cream Flavors

Ben-and-Jerrys1(PCM) News from Ben & Jerry’s just got a whole lot sweeter with the recent announcement about four new flavors of Ben & Jerry’s Cores ice cream.

Have you ever been faced with the problem when enjoying a sundae that none of your toppings end up reaching anywhere near the bottom of the bowl, or often times you desire more than one flavor at a time. Ben & Jerry’s have solved that problem with Ben & Jerry’s Cores. The new ice cream flavors features a solid core column of either fudge, caramel, or raspberry jam running down the center of every pint. This way each and every spoonful will contain the perfect balance of both ice cream and topping. I am really wishing that someone would have thought of this sooner!

The new flavors will be titled Hazed & Confused, Peanut Butter Fudge, Salted Caramel and That’s My Jam.  The new flavors will be hitting stores later this month and will seel for $4.39. Below is a breakdown of just what these delicious new flavors will consist of:

Hazed and Confused is chocolate and hazelnut ice cream with fudge chips and a hazelnut fudge core that tastes like thick, creamy Nutella.

That’s My Jam is chocolate and raspberry ice cream on either side of a raspberry core that actually has seeds in it.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge is chocolate and peanut butter ice cream with mini peanut butter cups and a peanut butter fudge core that has the exact consistency as peanut butter.

Salted Caramel flavor is sweet cream ice cream with blonde brownies and a salted caramel core.


PCM Lifestyle