Coffee Shop Owner Launches Stalking Stewart Campaign

This woman has taken stalking to a whole new level – who knew stalking could be charitable?! Amy Aussieker, a small business owner in Charlotte, NC, has announced the Stalking Stewart campaign, her plan to get The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart to visit her coffee shop during the Democratic National Convention.

Proceeds from the sale of Stalking Stewart t-shirts benefit the Bob Woodruff Foundation, the national nonprofit that helps ensure our nation’s injured service members, veterans and their families return to a homefront ready to support them, and Charlotte Bridge Home, which helps Charlotte veterans successfully transition home after military service.

“The campaign’s mission is to get Jon Stewart to have a cup of coffee with me at FABO Cafe during the DNC. I bring the passion, drive and commitment needed to get this accomplished,” Aussieker says.

Anyone wanting to assist campaign efforts, should stop by FABO Cafe and pick up a free Lil Jon, a postcard depicting Stewart, that they can photograph at their favorite locations and post on the campaign’s facebook page. Campaign supporters may also visit ‘Jon’s John,’ a Stalking Stewart shrine set up in FABO Cafe’s women’s bathroom where people can sign the walls asking Stewart to visit during the DNC.

Using her community connections, Aussieker recently managed to get herself invited to local NBC station WCNC, while The Daily Show’s John Oliver was being interviewed. She presented him with a gift basket and informed him of her efforts. Despite initially overheard muttering, “This is going to freak Jon out,” Oliver warmed to the campaign and stated, it was, “…most pleasant stalking I think there’s ever been.”

Aussieker brings her extensive sales and marketing experience with companies including the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce and applies it to stalking Mr. Stewart. In addition to her professional experience, Aussieker has served in numerous volunteer leadership positions with the Arts and Science Council, the Citizens Transit Advisory Committee, School Bonds Campaign and Hot Jobs/Cool Communities initiative for the City Committee.

As of yet, there is no word from Stewart’s camp on their reaction to Aussieker’s efforts.

When Aussieker is not stalking Stewart, she watches The Daily Show, runs her art gallery/coffee shop FABO Cafe and spends time with her two children.

To get all the scoop on Stalking Stewart, how to buy a t-shirt and support the campaign, like them on facebook and follow on twitter (@stalkingstewart).


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