Snooki’s Bundle of Joy – What To Expect From The Guidette Who’s Expecting!

According to the Washington Post and other sources, Jersey Shore star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi is 3 months pregnant. Though she’s keeping unusually silent about the pregnancy rumors, she did tell sources last month that she had a big announcement coming.
If it’s true, that would mean Lil’ Snooks would most likely be born in September of this year.
So… What Can The Expecting Guidette Expect From Her Bundle Of Joy? World-renowned astrologer and best-selling author Joanna Martine Woolfolk says:
If born in September, Snooki Jr. will be a Virgo: Analytical, Observant, Helpful, Reliable and Precise.
Snooki, on the other hand, is a Sagittarius: Careless, Irresponsible, Superficial, Tactless and Restless.
So I guess the Snooki fruit doesn’t always fall so close to the Snooki Tree…

Joanna Martine Woolfolk is an internationally known astrologer, author and magazine columnist. She is the author of The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need – the best-selling astrology book published in the last 20 years.


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