(PCM) Here’s a lesson everyone … if you are going to be drinking and taking drugs, then it is probably not the best idea to pick up the tattoo needle and sketch some permanent artwork on yourself.
Such a situation happened to one 27-year old who was under the influence of both alcohol and the prescription drug Xanax when he decided to tattoo an all black Charmander from Pokemon on his stomach. Keep in mind the man has zero tattooing nor artistic experience. The little flame on the tail is truly the best part!
Of course, his friends, being the good friends that they are decided to take a picture of the horrific tattoo and post on the internet’s self-proclaimed front page Reddit. The image almost immediately went viral because it truly is such a horrifically bad tattoo, it might actually be good.
Reddit users immediately began photoshopping and taking the blackened Charmander tattoo image and putting on everything from water bottles to t-shirts. Listen up, fashionistas blackened Charmander might just be the hot fashion item to own for your spring collection.
Several sources are saying that the bad tattoo may actually be based off of Tim Burton’s Pokemon version of Charmander, seen here, but either way it is still a pretty good “bad” tattoo!