(PCM) The newest way to have items delivered quickly and efficiently is through the use of drones, however that technology is still in its’ infant stage and needs a lot of work before it can be put into use by the general public, but leave it to criminals to start working the system before it has even started.
Criminals have now started using drones to deliver drugs and other items such as weapons and cell phones to their accomplices that are currently incarcerated. In London, police recently recovered two drone devices that were stuffed with mobile phones and drugs near Pentonville Prison. In fact, the authorities in the area have not set up a special task force called “Operation Airborne” to catch criminals who are attempting to operate drones and drop contraband off in prison.
Authorities were alerted to the situation when they noticed a man acting suspiciously around the prison and when he was questioned ran away dropping both drugs and mobile phones. The man escaped, however the next day authorities discovered a crashed drone that was flying over top of the Pentonville prison. The drone was stopped in mid-flight by a police officer and a package containing large amounts of drugs and two mobile phones was recovered from it.
Companies such as Amazon are searching for ways in which to use drones to safely and reliably deliver packages to customers, however the criminals continue to attempt to use the technology for more sinister purposes.