Falling Asleep at Your Desk? Try This

(PCM) Falling asleep at your desk? Having trouble completing the simplest of tasks? Forget reaching for another cup of coffee or worse, those chemical-concoction energy shots and drinks; there are healthier, all-natural ways to gain more energy throughout your day – and they don’t require much more than your body and a glass of water.

1. Open the shades. If you have a desk with a window, energy could be hiding just behind the blinds! This is particularly effective in the morning: a jolt of morning light activates cells in your eyes that send a wake-up call to your brain’s internal clock. But a little sunlight helps afternoon energy levels, too. One study found that women who sat by a sunny window for 30 minutes at lunchtime felt more awake and scored better on alertness tests afterward.

2. Try acupressure. You don’t have to take time out of your workday to make an appointment with a professional; you can do it yourself right at your desk! According to University of Michigan researchers, acupressure boosts alertness as effectively as a small cup of coffee. RealAge suggests tapping your knuckles a few times on the top of your head, squeezing the flesh between your thumb and first finger, or massaging the base of your skull and the front of your shins.

3. Hydrate. When you’re dehydrated – even just a little bit – water is just as effective, and safer, as one of those energy shots, without all the jitters and unhealthy additives. When you just start to feel thirsty, you’re already slightly dehydrated. Even a drop as low as 2.6% drop in hydration levels can double your feelings of fatigue! One study found that it made volunteers work twice as hard on puzzles.

Sunlight, water, and your own body just may be all you need to energize your way through the day!

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PCM Lifestyle