Getting the recommended 25-35 grams of fiber a day doesn’t have to be painful, and it doesn’t have to taste like cardboard, or even come in a cardboard box. In fact, it shouldn’t.
All those fiber-rich cereals and bars are good here and there when you need to add a little extra fiber to your diet, but it’s not necessarily all natural, and not as good for your body as what you get from fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Plus, too much synthetic fiber can give you some pretty bad gas.
There are plenty more fiber sources than just the cereal aisle in the grocery store, and one of the best is fruit. Blackberries deliver one third of your daily target of fiber! Just one cup of blackberries contains 8 grams of fiber, and it will only cost you 70 calories. That’s a whole lot of fiber for such a small amount of calories.
Plus, they offer plenty of other nutritional benefits. According to the USDA, they rank in the top 10 for antioxidant power, and are specifically rich in polyphenols, which may help prevent against cardiovascular disease, cancers, and osteoporosis.
Add a cup of blackberries to a bowl of oatmeal, Greek yogurt, or cottage cheese for a healthy, filling breakfast. Or, make dessert a little healthier by adding them to frozen yogurt or ice cream – the extra fiber helps digestion and helps control blood sugar spikes.
Another Reason to Increase Your Fiber Intake