Ginger Pride Festival Coming To England In 2016


(PCM) Attention all Gingers!  The country of England has revealed their plan to celebrate redheads by holding their first ever Redhead Day, playfully calling the event Ginger Pride. It is currently in the planning stages and set to take place in the summer of 2016.

Ginger Pride is being organized by a pizza delivery driver named Stuart Parry, his wife, a musician and a pro-wrestler. They all feel that enough is enough with the Ginger-bashing that has picked up steam over the years and it is time for the world to finally celebrate redheads and all their fiery glory.

The organizers also say that the Ginger Pride event will not be exclusively for those with red hair, but they welcome anyone who wants to show their support for Ginger’s around the world.

You can find out more information about Ginger Pride by visiting the event page of Facebook, which has already garnered nearly 4,500 likes.



PCM Lifestyle