Keep Off Of Australia’s Famed Wedding Cake Rock


(PCM) Australia’s National Parks and Wildlife Services department has issued an important warning for tourists that urges them to please keep off of the famous Wedding Cake Rock located along the Royal National Park Coast Walk. The NPWS warns that the rock could collapse at any moment leading to serious injury and/or death.

Standing on top of the rock, which closely resembles a slice of layered wedding cake, has become an incredibly popular tourist destination and photos of people posed on top of the rock have surfaced all over social media in the recent years.

Wedding Cake Rock got it’s name due to its’ milky white sandstone and squared off layers, however the NPWS warns that the color is due to the rock formation being leached of iron over time. which is actually weakening the formation. The vertical fractures that make it look like layer cake are actually areas where the rock formation will eventually break off and plummet into the sea below.

NPWS says they are concerned about the number of tourists standing on the rock shelf very close to the edge knowing that it could give way at any time. NPWS says that they do not want to close the site, however they are currently working out a plan to make it safer for tourists to visit. As of right now, temporary fencing and signs have been put up warning tourists to keep off. NPSW plans to create a safer viewing area further back from the edge of the rock formation.


PCM Lifestyle