At 42-years-old, Jennifer Lopez looks better than ever. How does the mother of two manage to keep her curvy-yet-toned figure?
It’s not exactly rocket science. She eats a healthy diet and exercises – no tricks or fads diets here! An insider close to Lopez said, “Jen drinks ice-cold water to speed up her metabolism, bans carbs after 4pm and sticks to four small meals a day, which are packed with protein.”
As for her workout routines, the secret to her toned figure seems to be all about variety.
“Jen is up at 6am every morning for an hour’s exercise. She hates doing the same workout twice and likes to switch it up with core-strengthening routines, yoga or runs or the beach. She takes a skipping rope with her when she travels and, when she gets a spare moment, will drop to the floor to do around four minutes of sit-ups. Jen likes to work out with Casper as they really egg each other on.”
You don’t have to starve yourself or workout for hours a day to look this good; it’s all about moderation, a sensible, healthy diet, and switching up your workout routine. Don’t try and cut corners with crash diets and fad detoxes. If you’re consistent, a simple diet and exercise can go a long way.