I LOVE FOOD: Buffalo Chicken Dip

This week’s I Love Food post is an Allie-classic. I love Buffalo-ANYTHING. Something about that sauce makes whatever it touches so much  more delicious.

I particularly love Buffalo chicken when it is on pizza, in a sandwich, on a salad, in a wrap, and even on its own. However, wings are the quintessential food that you think of when you hear “Buffalo.”

As a side note, these wings are labeled as such because they originated in Buffalo New York. To them it is just, “wings.” So New Yorkers know how to make great pizza, great pretzels, and now great wings. Talk about a victorious food tri-fecta.

Now, I myself have learned how to master the buffalo chicken dip. I can’t go to a football party without someone telling me I can come, but I must bring that “dip that I make.”

You start off with a block of Philadelphia cream cheese and cut it into cubes. You throw those into one of those ceramic dip tray. You then cut up the chicken. I have used canned chicken before as it tastes extremely similar to shredded rotisserie chicken meat. Plus, canned chicken is way healthier for you.

You mix the shredded chicken with blue cheese and hot sauce. You basically combine the two sauces and taste as you go until you have reached your desired Buffalo level. This whole recipe is actually on the label of the Frank’s hot sauce bottle.

After heating the oven you put the tray in for about 10 minutes. At that time, you want to mix the ingredients up well so the cream cheese melts and mixes with the rest of the flavors. Pour some shredded cheddar cheese on top and continue cooking for another ten minutes.

Cut up some slices of Baguette bread and you are good to dive into Buffaloville.


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