I LOVE FOOD: Homemade Chicken Parm and Garlic Bread!


MANGIA! This week’s I Love Food post comes right out of my own kitchen, well, my mother’s kitchen that is. She is a world-renowned cook in MY world and I am so proud of the concoctions she creates.

My mother can cook absolutely anything you throw at her. Pulled pork? No problem. Crab cakes? On the way. Anything Italian? Nailed it.

She actually even made my family of five a chart in the home that says “Weekly Dinner Specials” and we get to write down what we want next to our name. This way she knows the menu, and at least one person is happy each day.

Getting back to this week’s spot-lighted item. Her chicken parm is delicious and kind of healthy. She makes sure to bake the chicken, and of course homemade red sauce is always good for you. I heard the Lycopenes in tomatoes helps to prevent cancer, and on top of that it tastes delicious.

Plus, you can’t forget the garlic bread. My mom takes slices of leftover bread and magically transforms it into something edible. She makes them buttery, garlicy, and crunchy. She pairs it with a homemade pesto sauce that we get to dip the bread in.

You want a good meal? Come on down to our house!


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