Biggest Loser’s Bonnie Griffin Tells Us: “Anybody can do it no matter what age you are!”

Bonnie Griffin was eliminated in a tearful good-bye during Tuesday night’s episode of ‘Biggest Loser’, after falling below the yellow line.  She asked fellow contestants to send her home, not wanting to see Becky eliminated, and feeling it was her time to go. The 63-year-old made a lasting impression on the ranch, inspiring both the contestants and viewers at home. Since arriving on the Biggest Loser ranch, Bonnie has lost 68 pounds, showing the world it’s never too late to get fit and healthy!

She had a rough start on the ranch, clashing with trainer Anna Kournikova at times. In fact, she couldn’t want to get away from Anna – or so it seemed! Here’s what Bonnie’s saying now about her relationship with Anna and the other trainers:

There were three trainers on the ranch and I can honestly say each trainer had their own way of getting us to the goal that we set. And I think I can honestly say from the beginning I told Anna up on the scale, maybe the first and second week, that I was ready to take on the second chapter of my life and I knew that she was going to lead me to do it.

And Anna did the best with what she had to work with, is what I can say. I mean I am a 63-year-old woman, went on the ranch with bone-on-bone knee and I could say with the help of her I was able to fool them all when they thought I was going to leave the first week.

I fooled them and I became the cat with nine lives and I made nine weeks. So she did remarkably well. I mean everybody has personality conflicts, but it was just fine. It was just the knee issues that I had [so] some of the things were harder to do than other people. But then when Dolvett came on board I guess he more or less worked around some of my knee issues more than maybe Anna did. But I cannot thank Anna enough. She led me for six weeks towards the goal that I wanted and I will always have her to thank for it.

While Anna helped her stick around those first 6 weeks, Dolvett really kicked things into high gear for Bonnie. She explains:

I just think that Dolvett and I meshed a little bit better. He had a lot of inspirational comments to make after we even worked out.  I guess it’s just, everybody’s personality is different. And Dolvett tried like different workouts being I had bone-on-bone in the situation when I tried to walk on a treadmill.

And Dolvett put me on a spin bike and I mean I might not have gotten up on that spin bike but I sure burned a lot of calories just spinning very fast and it didn’t bother my knee.

So it just was a different relationship, but all in all, I cannot thank both of them enough for helping me getting through the journey that I accomplished on that ranch.

With everything Bonnie’s learned at the ranch, she isn’t worried about going back to the old Bonnie. She’s not even worried about the holidays! She explains:

At first I was kind of trying to set my goal a little bit lower just because I was afraid of holidays, but I am seeing now that I’ve been on so many programs and so many diets in my life. I can remember myself in the past going on the scale and weighing in and maybe losing three or four pounds and leaving the meeting and going right to eating wrong. You know I don’t see Bonnie being like that anymore.

The temptations are right in front of me. I guess you can put temptations in front of you always but I have learned so much and I feel so good that going back to the old Bonnie is not what I ever want to do. And so God willing I could stay this size and just keep burning.

And if I do eat bites of something, it’s all about in moderation. I could see myself maybe trying something that looks absolutely good but just don’t eat a whole lot of it.

All things in moderation seem to be working wonders for her! But Bonnie admits it hasn’t been easy from day one. She says it was hard to go grocery shopping again for herself, and getting her food plan together was kind of hard. But now, she’s on track and taking it “a day at a time”:

I eat a lot of fish for dinner and chicken breast. I like to buy the non-processed turkey that the grocery stores originally bake there in the store. It has so much less sodium in it and I like to eat fiber bread and I make sandwiches with a lot of lettuce and tomato on it.

And for breakfast I may eat some egg whites, you know, I might eat a thin bagel, and then a lot of greens, a lot of green veggies for dinner and for my lunch. So I am not seeming to have a problem with my food intake here back home.  I’m just taking it a day at a time.


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