Jessica Alba Talks Feeling Objectified and Uncomfortable as a Young Actress

Jessica Alba is on the of the hottest women in Hollywood, but she’s more than just a pretty face. In fact, she’s managed to make the transition from sex symbol to fashion icon and business woman – all while raising a family and remaining as one of the most envied women in Hollywood!

Making the transition wasn’t easy, Alba admits, and had a tough time with people seeing past her looks when she first started out in the industry.

“I had a show [Fox’s Dark Angel] that premiered when I was 19,” Alba explains in a new interview with Marie Claire. “And right away, everyone formed a strong opinion about me because of the way I was marketed. I was supposed to be sexy, this tough action girl. That’s what people expected.”

Even when she dressed demurely, Alba’s body always took center stage. “I felt like I was being objectified, and it made me uncomfortable,” she recalls. “I wanted to be chic and elegant!”

Alba, 31, now has two children with husband Cash Warren, and has certainly come a long way; but of course, she will always be known and envied as one of the most attractive women in Hollywood! “Now that I’m older, I’ve learned how to own it, but I’m still not very overt,” she says. “There are some women who dress for men. I dress for myself. It took me some time to get here. Being a mom and feeling grown-up have helped. Now if I’m going to wear something short, it has to have a high neck or a little sci-fi toughness to it, an edge.”

“I like to get positive attention,” she tells Marie Claire. “But if I have a choice between someone noticing in a negative way what I’m wearing and going, ‘What was she thinking?’ or someone not noticing what I’m wearing, I would rather not make a statement at all and just have a good conversation instead.”


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