Sleep On It: Why it’s Better Advice Than You’d Think

Stressing out over a big decision or upsetting issue? Sleep on it!

It’s not just some lousy piece of advice people give to those struggling with a big decision at hand, it can help anyone wrestling with an issue. And now there’s scientific evidence to prove it.

A new study from the University of California-Berkley found that the REM stage of sleep actually helps people put problems and emotions into perspective. Researchers analyzed brain scans of people who slept between viewings of disturbing images and those who stayed awake, and found that those who slept were less upset.

“During slumber, memories are processed while stress neurochemicals are suppressed, which helps remove the sharp edges from emotional experiences,” explains the study’s lead author, Els van der Helm. She suggests increasing the amount you sleep during particularly rough times. Just don’t sleep all day thinking your problems will go away; you have to deal with it at some point!


PCM Lifestyle