My Journey To Health, September First is New Years Day

AutumnNo matter how you want to look at it, somehow in the last 20 years or so September first has become New Years Day.  The whole world comes back together again after being dispersed in every different direction.  Sure the kids are back in school but that is not the only thing that restarts.  Many groups and organizations go on hiatus during the summer months and come back with September.  Co-workers are back together again.  Football pools start as do teams and the season.  Theater groups start their new seasons and there is something fresh and crisp in the air as summer fades and autumn begins.

I feel a sense of hope and a sense of a fresh start in the beginning of September.  This is a much brighter hope and a cleaner start than on New Year’s Day.  In fact on January first I feel a bit let down.  On January first we have had three months filled with wonder.  Halloween in October, Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December then it all stops and the hard months of snow and ice hit.  It’s sort of sad and it that melancholy moment we are supposed to establish new goals for ourselves and dream new dreams?  I say NO!

Now is the time to dream new dreams, hope new hopes, make new plans and follow through in all of it.  With Fall coming on the air gets cooler and our energy levels go up.  We begin to feel a sense of newness as we see the labors of summer bear fruit, literally.  Pumpkins apples and other forms of nature’s bounty line our supermarkets.  Old recipes come out for soups and stews and other dishes that lay dormant through the summer months because, “It is just too hot to cook.”

I believe our desire for new experiences are aroused as some will begin to take courses or start a new hobby.  And what wonders happen in nature as the trees prepare for their long winter sleep and the squirrels and other small animals fatten themselves for the coming cold.

I have plans that I am already putting into motion for the Fall and resolutions I have made.  The pool that my neighbors have so graciously allowed me to use for exercise will soon be covered over and so a new exercise plan has been developed.  I joined Planet Fitness where I can receive free personal training and I have already met with my trainer and she is preparing to help me exercise without using my legs and feet too much as there is damage there.  I meet with her at 6 a.m. on Labor Day.

I have committed to a LIVE THE DREAM LIVE one day conference being given by Bearj Jehanian and James Levin on Saturday September 17.  I have also been able to make the commitment to write more and work more focused on my weight and health issues by Tom Anderson, The Purpose Guy, who is a great life coach.  I am gathering, as much as I can, people around me who think positively but with a lot of energy to cheer me on.  It seems there is a lot of truth in the saying that “No man, or woman, is an Island.”

By the end of October, if all goes as planned, I will also begin working on my Master’s degree.  This is something that I really need to do if I want to work.  So right now, new exercise, new seminars and new classes as well as old traditions and joy will begin as The Fall season rolls in.

I also was led to a new app for my phone called Smule.  It is a karaoke app that allows me to sing as well as record my performance.  I love the opportunity to make music.  I recorded Beauty and the Beast this morning.

I am also working on my spiritual side by studying The Gospels and reading about a great Christian singer and song writer named Rich Mullins who truly lived out the message of Jesus while he was alive.  Check out some of his music if you can.  He is truly inspiring.  There is a lot of his material on YouTube.

What about you?  It’s not too late.  What will you do to make your life better this New Year?  What a great time to decide on new ways to eat, as so much food will be available.  Getting those pesky 10 pounds off could be easy by eating correctly and raking the leaves..  What are you curious about?  Do you want to learn about the stars or about photography or how to paint?  There is no better time than right now to make those decisions.  A whole new world can open for you right now.  Just take the first step.


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