Late-Night Eating: Is it Really That Bad?

It’s not only what you eat but also when you eat that counts. Research at Northwestern University suggests that mice fed high-fat foods during the day (when these nocturnal animals should have been sleeping) gained significantly more weight than mice given the same diet at night.

The study didn’t look at all different types of food like those rich in protein or fiber, but one thing’s for sure: you probably shouldn’t sneak to the fridge at midnight for that chocolate cake and ice cream! Try not to eat meals 3 hours before bed, and avoid mindless munching in front of the TV at night, especially if you’re not hungry. Sip a cup of tea, like chamomile to help de-stress and tell your body it’s time for bed! And if you’re hungry and need a snack before bed, reach for something light and high in protein like a piece of string cheese or a half-cup of cottage cheese.


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