Live Longer with Better Posture

Straighten up! Believe it or not, when you’re posture improves so does your overall health.

Research has found that walking with your head bent forward, or slumping, actually increases your risk of dying prematurely, as walking with this type of posture can reduce your air supply! Hunching over for a prolonged amount of time can also cause lower backaches, tightness between the shoulders, frequent headaches, jaw pain, anxiety, and even low self-confidence.

Start standing taller. Walk with your head held high, shoulders pulled back, and back aligned straight – if not for your health, for your confidence and well-being. Studies show that people with good posture also possess more self-confidence. To correct your posture, RealAge recommends walking with your hands on your hips (or as if a book is balanced on your head) for at least 10 minutes a day. Also don’t forget about the power of strength training and stretching! Strengthen your core muscles with a yoga class at your local gym, or set up an appointment with a personal trainer!

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