Looks Like Siri Has Met Her Mate…Introducing “Dom” From Domino’s Pizza


(PCM) Recently, Domino’s Pizza has partnered up with technology company Nuance to create “Dom”, which is a mobile voice to assist customers with voice-enabled ordering.

Much like Apple’s Siri, “Dom” can be called upon for the Domino’s Pizza iOS or Android app. You can vocally tell “Dom” how you like your pizza and he will assist you with creating the perfect pizza pie.

While we have not tried it out for ourselves just yet, sources claim that “Dom” has a very natural and humanlike voice and the experience is meant to be the same as if you were ordering the pizza by phone and speaking with a real human being.

“Dom” made his debut on June 16th…now we just have to find a way to introduce him to Siri…nothing like a little robotic romance.


PCM Lifestyle