Feeling lazy? Here’s an inspiring story that should get you up off the couch: A Chinese man just climbed to the top of Mount Hua last weekend…with only his hands.
Chen Zhou, of China’s Shandong Province, lost his legs when he was a teenager; at the young age of 13, he tragically fell off a train and lost his legs. But now, at 29, he’s an avid mountain climber, proving that if you have the will and determination, you can literally climb to great heights.
The climb took him two days, 19 hours in total, to get to the top of the 7,000 ft mountain using only his upper body. Last month he tackled the nearly 5,000-foot Mount Songshan in the Henan province, according to the NY Daily News.
And he’s not done yet. The husband and father plans to celebrate China’s Valentine’s Day, which falls on Aug. 23, with his family at the top of the 5,000 foot-tall Mount Tai.