Mom’s Obesity During Pregnancy Linked to Autism and Developmental Delay, Says Study

According to the latest statistics provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in every 88 children in the US is suffering from some kind of autism related disorder – that’s a 25% increase from just 6 years ago.

So why the rising rates? New research points to the rising rates of obesity in pregnant women as a possible answer.

A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that metabolic conditions in the mother during her pregnancy have a profound effect on the cognitive development of the child, and obesity is associated associated with the increased number of neuro-developmental problems.

Researchers examined 1004 children between the ages of 2 and 5; 517 of these children suffered from an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), while 172 suffered from developmental delays. They found out that among the children suffering from ASD, 111 had obese mothers while 148 had mothers with some form of metabolic condition. 20 of the children born to mothers with gestational diabetes, 41 of the children born to obese mothers, and 60 of the children born to mothers suffering from some metabolic condition, suffered from developmental delays. The researchers concluded that metabolic conditions like diabetes, hypertension and obesity during pregnancy can lead to developmental delays in the offspring.

More research is needed, as researchers do not yet know the mechanism by which obesity in the mother can lead to neuro-developmental problems in the child. But one thing is certain: the healthier a mother is during pregnancy, the safer it is for both the mother and child.

photo credit: PA


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