The All Natural Way to Detox for Summer

Of course, there’s no such thing as a quick fix, but you can naturally detox with healthy foods, cleaning your body of toxins and regenerating the natural way. So forget about those unhealthy starvation detoxes, which will only cause you to feel tired, sluggish, and cranky, and try adding these naturally cleansing foods to your diet, instead. It’s a spring detox you can actually look forward to!

Here are eight of the best foods to add to your diet!

Grapes. Purple and red grapes are full of antioxidants and enzymes that help protect you from heart disease, cancer and other health conditions. Grapes also contain resveratrol which has been linked to a number of health benefits, including the upkeep of strong blood vessels, breast cancer prevention, and blood sugar regulation.

Kale. Bring on the kale chips! This leafy green is high in antioxidant vitamins A, C, and K and is loaded with fiber, which helps lower cholesterol, keep you full longer, and control blood sugar levels. Even more impressive is its ability to neutralize high acidity levels in the blood, pushing out harmful concentrations of uric acid out of the body. It’s best eaten cooked if you have a thyroid problem.

Watercress. Add some peppery watercress into your next salad. This green keeps free radicals away from your cells, helps energize cleansing enzymes in the liver, and is a natural diuretic. Plus, it adds a little spice to a boring salad!

Red or Black Beans. Legumes are the perfect addition to any detox or weight loss plan because they are full of both protein and fiber – two big weight management factors. Swap meat for beans at least a few days a week for a natural source of plant-based protein.

Brussels Sprouts. This cruciferous vegetable has cancer-fighting capabilities that flush carcinogens from your body, plus fiber and vitamin C. Cooked the right way, brussels sprouts are delicious! Try roasting them with a little olive oil and garlic – yum!

Artichokes. Studies show that atrichokes promote healthy liver and gallbladder function, but they also contain cynarin, which helps prevent indigestion, increase bile production, and stimulates healthy digestion.

Papaya. It may not be the sweetest fruit in the market, but it’s one of the best ones for you. Papaya is a good source of fiber and antioxidant nutrients including vitamins C and A. It also has colon-cleansing compounds that help produce enzymes to break down protein and harmful waste.

Lemon Water. Lemons are a great source of vitamin C, which is said to help the body detox and burn fat. Drink a glass of water with lemon every morning to alkalize the body and aid digestion!

It’s as easy – and delicious – as that!


PCM Lifestyle