My Journey To Health, The Staff

IanMcKellanAsGandalfinTheHoWizards carry staffs and through them they channel their power.  It is the same with doctors.  They need a large staff in order to make you healthy.  Today’s post is all about a doctors staff.

When you go to the doctor’s office, it is never a one man show.  First you report to the receptionist, from there you may be escorted to an exam room by a nurse or a medical assistant.  Once in that room that staff member is going to take time with you to check your vital signs and go over your medications and other relevant information.

If blood work is taken the staff reaches out beyond the office to labs where the tests are done.  X-ray technicians and other hospital or lab based personnel will then be part of the doctor’s magic staff.  Almost everything your doctor does, he does with the help of someone else.

If you are chronically ill in any way it is a good idea to get to know these people.  The receptionist that welcomes you to the office and makes your appointments for you on the phone is just as big a part of your care as your doctor himself.

Be kind to these people, learn their names, remember your manners and say please and thank you.  These people in their own way have as much to do with getting you well as the doctor.

I can honestly say I really love the staff at the doctor’s office I go to.  Because of my many visits there I feel like they are part of my family.  I’m glad I know as much about them as I do because they add much to my life.  I like to know when they’ve been on vacation and if they enjoyed themselves.  I like to know about their children and their spouses.  And I enjoy treating them as kindly as I can because the kindness comes back around.  And because they are really good people.

If you can afford it remember your doctor’s staff during the holidays.  Send a card or bring some cookies or a box of chocolates.  Let them know that what they provide is important to you.

There is another group of people that many of us do not fully appreciate and yet they play a vital part in our health care, your pharmacist.  Your pharmacist is vital to you as well and deserves the same respect you give your doctor.  This applies to if you fill your prescription medications through the mail, or if you go to a pharmacy.

If you go to the pharmacy, the same rules apply as the doctor’s office.  Get to know your pharmacist.  He or she has a wealth of information at their finger tips and can tell you more about a medication than most doctors can.  The pharmacy staff is just as important and vital to you as your doctor’s staff.  Treat them with the same respect.  The opportunity to chat with them will not be very long, but everyone appreciates being remembered and called by their names.  A holiday gift here is not inappropriate.  People that serve you should know they are appreciated.  When you are kind to others it is almost inevitable that kindness will be come back to you.

A doctor is not a wizard and his staff will not magically make you well, however the staff at his office, in the hospital, in the lab, all play a part in your well being.  Never forget that or over look it.  And always remember your manners.  These people work hard for you.  Remember that.  You may enter a doctor’s office really sick and may not be able to say please or thank you, but you can control yourself enough to not give anyone a hard time while you’re there.

The doctor’s staff is as powerful as any wizard’s wand.  Learn that one rule and it will serve you well.


PCM Lifestyle