My Weight Loss Adventure Day 45

It is good to be forgiven. It is good when you have made mistakes and errors in judgment that the people that you know choose to go forward with you instead of dumping you. And the dumping part would have been justified.

The few days have been very difficult. I went from fear to anger to sadness and have had to work through those issues. I had to do that while working and, except for being very quiet, which did not interfere with my work, not allow my emotions to prevent me from working. There would have been a time where that kind of rawness would have put me into a terrible and complete with draw, but that did not happen thanks to God’s grace and the help of others.

I did make some dietary errors during this period. Without going into detail, it is safe to say that I didn’t ear yesterday’s dollar. But today I am awake and my emotions are adjusted properly and things will go back to where they need to be.

We cannot ever make the goal of continual happiness. I am not sure that anyone has an actual happy life. We can pursue peace and contentment and we can actually have those. Being happy is something that happens once in a while. Christmas Morning one can be happy. When you receive that promotion at work you can be happy. Or if you buy a new house or car, or finish making the payments on either, you can be happy. Happy, is related to experiences, it is a great emotion that cannot be carries through life. We get that feeling at specific points.

Contentment and peace are something that we can have all the time. We work out those feelings in our minds. We decide to be content with where we are in life as we work toward the things that we would like to have or happen. Peace follows fairly easily after contentment.

I am challenging all of us today to work toward being content and less toward happiness. Charles Schulz wrote that “happiness is a fleeting thing.” And he’s right. It’s here for a brief while and then escapes to a different place. I think if we were happy all of the time we would find ourselves pretty much exhausted. Contentment is good and consistent. So today as well as being careful with what we eat we will be content with it as well. Being content is something we can decide to be and as I have stated before, our emotions will follow,

Have a day full of contentment.


PCM Lifestyle