Yesterday we discussed the four different ways we need to keep our selves healthy. We need a healthy body, a healthy mind a healthy spirit and healthy relationships. Every day of our lives we will be working on one or the other of these, or all four of them at once. For the next four days I thought it would be a good idea to break theses ideas down even further.
Spiritual health! Spiritual health is probably the most neglected of the four and yet if we pay careful attention to it, it can help us deal more effectively with the other three. We each have a spirit, Science would argue that point but take a look at some after they are dead, you know they are not asleep, you know in your gut that something is not there that had previously been there. We have a sprit.
Our relationship with God, our creator is the most important part of taking care of our spirits. We have to know he is there and that he is good. And He is. Here is the hard part. People tend to say, “If God is good, then why is there _____” you fill in the blank. The answer is so simple. He didn’t make us robots with no personality to just please Him. He gave us choice and allowed us the privilege of making choices and living with the consequences. He didn’t HAVE to do that. His hope is that we would make the decisions to do things His way, to show that we love Him by listening to Him. It only took the first two created humans to disappoint Him
. We never really grow up. We spend our time, trying to figure out how to get what we want. Not what is best. God is looking to love us and be loved by us, but He made it so that loving Him would be our choice. Think of a teenager that gets out on his or her own for the first time. He has been given the best advice from his parents, don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t drive too fast, and what does that teenager do, he drinks, he smokes and he drives too fast. We have done that to God for 6000 years. We wonder about the world we live in and why it is the way it is. It is this way because we chose it to be so and continue to make that choice as human beings.
God wants a relationship with you! Start by thinking about Him and meditating on Him. Meditating is only thinking in a directed way. Read about Him, go out and get a Bible or any of the Books by Lee Strobel. A Case For Faith and A Case For A Creator, may help you see God better. Talk to Him. You don’t have to say “The Our Father” Talk to Him, the way you would talk to anyone who has some authority over you, be respectful, but be true. If you are angry tell God you’re angry, or disappointed or sad. Anything you have He can take. He wants the chance to love you and he wants to help.
If you’re not sure you can believe in God, go to Colorado and get into the mountains and look at the incredible blue sky and the shimmering Aspen leaves in the Fall sunlight. You will know that there is a God, we cannot be here by chance. The stars on a clear night are the same. Look at all God has done. The colors of the Fall the beauty of the sky and the sounds of the Earth. If we look at all these things and think about them we will know there is a God. The Book of Romans says that “God can be seen in His creation.” Go and look at you will see Him.
The more you think about God and talk to Him the healthier your spirit will become and you can go out and do anything. The Bible also says, “with God All things are possible.”