My Weight Loss Adventure Day 62

The majority of months have 31 days so I decided to go with 31 as the total amount of days in a month, which goes against the popular way of doing things. That being the case today is the last day of the second month of this experiment.

At this point I have not lost as much weight as I thought I would even though my diet has radically changed. I do feel physically better and I seem to be sleeping better at night. Also the problems from the beginning of the week have gone away with a change in the medications I take; actually the elimination of my blood pressure medications seems to have done the trick. All is all things are going a bit slower than I would like but I feel good and that is a terrific spot to be in.

Someday should just be good days. You wake up feeling good and the whole day is in front of you. No fires to put out and no heavy tasks on the schedule. Today is one of those days. A day to just be me, and in that state of being, rejoicing in who I am, and what God has made me to be. I know I have a clear path a head and I know the tasks and the rules I must do my best to live by. In that knowledge comes peace of mind and faith that I can do those things as I know I have God who loves me and friends that support me in my efforts. These things will get me through. And bring me to a good place where I can help others as well.

So today I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to look forward to. Together we start a new journey tomorrow. Today we rejoice in how far we have come.


PCM Lifestyle