My Weight Loss Adventure Day 68

Yesterday was a close call. I stated, yesterday, that I would eliminate fast food from my diet. On Thursday nights I have to work until seven. I don’t eat lunch until three on those days, but my lunch is always light and so by seven I was really hungry, I was also stressed and tired. The first thing I thought when leaving the office was, “McDonald’s, just one last time.” I had promised you that I would not do this anymore, and I wrestled with my conscience. The good side won, so I decided to hit the mega-mart on the way home as they have pretty decent fresh soups on every day. They didn’t have anything I liked.

At the mega-mart I met a friend and we ended up talking about his recent trip to Disney World which went into a discussion on the film versions of the Lord of the Rings. When I left the market I was really hungry and empty handed. Fast Food was the solution, but I resisted went home and made a sandwich on Oatnut Bread. This was not great and I also had some chips with hat. An hour later I ate a bagel with a lower calorie spread and a little jam. I was still hungry, but I stopped there.

Working Thursday nights is new. This was the third time, but it is a weekly event that I must continue with. By the time I am done I am beat most physically and emotionally, and I don’t want to cook. Here is the problem, what should I eat on Thursday nights that will take little to no preparation? I have to work that out, but I am also asking for your suggestions. If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them. If you leave them in the comment section here, you will also be helping other that are in the same situation. As a team we succeed.

For me it’s to another day full of interesting things at the office. I will look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas.


PCM Lifestyle