New Dating Site Matches Die-Hard Disney Fans!


(PCM) Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be yet another dating site, think again! We have now discovered Mouse Mingle, the dating site that matches die-hard Disney fans in hopes of finding everlasting love. The site urges users to discover their very own special Mickey or Minnie!

The new niche dating site will cost $12.55 a month (a nod to the year 1955)  and promises users the chance to find their very own Princess or Prince Charming. The dating service will pair singles together based upon their favorite Disney characters and songs. Users will be able to view profiles, sent private chat requests, as well as messages to connect with like-minded singles.

Mouse Mingle owner Dave Taves says he started the site after a 2011 trip to Disneyland “I had tried [other dating sites], but there was no way to narrow down the searches to find women in the right distance and age range who loved Disney” and hence Mouse Mingle was born.

Both Disney World and Disneyland continue to be incredibly popular honeymoon destination spots, so it is only a natural progression that this type of magical dating service would be created. MouseMingle joins the list of other niche dating sites such as “Whovian Love” for all those Dr. Who fans out there, TrekPassions for Star Trek buffs and of course the ever popular FarmersOnly and ChristianMingle.



PCM Lifestyle