Oreo Introduces Yet Another New Fall Flavor


(PCM) While everyone else is on the pumpkin spice kick, Oreo has released a surprising new flavor for the fall season with the introduction of Toasted Coconut Oreos.  The new limited-edition Oreos feature a vanilla cookie filled with a toasted coconut cream, that also contains actual flakes of toasted coconut. The package features a picture of a  delicious looking slice of coconut layer cake!

Currently, the new Toasted Coconut Oreos have only been spotted in Meijer grocery stores in the Midwest, but we are certain there will be a national roll-out in the coming months. And for all you pumpkin spice enthusiasts out there, rest assured Oreo is still making their Pumpkin Spice flavored cookies as well for the fall season.



PCM Lifestyle