(PCM) Are a gym rat who has an idea or two up your sleeve for the new big fitness trend or product? Until August 20, fans, inventors, athletes and fitness nuts can pitch their ideas for licensing and development consideration at www.EdisonNation.com/PaulinaRubio. Whether you have the next Shake Weight or the next Tour de France indoor bike, it’s time to bring on all sports and fitness ideas!
Paulina Rubio, the Latin American pop singer, actress and businesswoman, has partnered with Edison Nation®, and she wants to see your fitness innovations!
“I’m so excited to bring a new product – invented by my fans – to market with Edison Nation,” says Paulina. “As a new mother, staying healthy and fit has been a priority for me, and I know how important it is to have the best in fitness tools and products at your fingertips. I can’t wait to see what the results are of the search.”
Paulina Rubio is a Grammy-nominated Mexican singer, actress, model and businesswoman who has sold over 20 million records worldwide. This search for new fitness innovations asks inventors to think of new products that could have mass-market appeal and can also be incorporated into busy lifestyles.
Inventors, fans and idea people can submit their ideas for new fitness solutions to: www.EdisonNation.com/PaulinaRubio now through August 20, 2012 at 11:59pm.
It is free to join Edison Nation and just $25 to submit one idea, a fee contributing to a portion of the cost the Edison Nation team incurs to review, research and filter all of the ideas received through its secure platform. Following the close of the search, the Edison Nation team will present the finalists to the Paulina Rubio team. If ideas are selected for licensing and/or development, the inventor will receive a $2,500 minimum advance on future royalties as well as a 50/50 split on royalties with Edison Nation.