(PCM) There has been a huge debate over the legality and possible abuse from underage drinkers getting their hands on a product called Palcohol, which is a ‘just add water’ powdered alcohol substance. Despite concerns, Palcohol has just been legalized and is now slated to be available for retail purchase beginning this summer.
The University of Michigan conducted a study in which they asked adults if they were even aware of the powdered alcohol product. Majority had not heard of it and once they did learn of its’ existence, nearly all were concerned about its’ possible misuse by underage drinkers. A lot of them feel that the product should be banned before it is even released.
Palcohol was approved for sale by the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Trade Bureau back in March and is slated to come in three varieties which are vodka, rum, and “powder-rita”. Each powder packet contains 1oz of powdered alcohol substance which is then mixed with 6oz’s of water to create the consumers drink of choice.
It is the concern of health and law enforcement officials that underage drinkers will be able to easily get their hands on Palcohol and then add it food or even go as far as to snort the powder which could lead to very serious health risks. Already close to 12 states have banned powdered alcohol while others plan to regulate the same as they do regular liquid alcohol.
What are your thoughts on Palcohol? Is it a good idea or too much of an underage drinking risk?