(PCM) A group of researchers have discovered a new link between the amount of sex a woman is having and the strength of her memory. A group of researchers at McGill University conducted a memory study that looked at defining a link between sex and the growth of nerve tissue in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the are of the brain that is in control of memory, emotional responses, and the overall nervous system.
To complete the study the McGill University researchers asked 78 heterosexual women under the age of 30 to partake in a memory test that involved looking at individual faces and memorizing abstract words. They were also questioned about their overall GPA and use of birth control. The results interestingly enough revealed that women who had sex more frequently were able to recall more abstract words. Hilariously, the amount of sex did not have an affect on the women’s ability to recall faces.
The findings do cement the fact that sex is often linked to certain memory abilities and functions. The researchers published their findings in the “Archives of Sexual Behavior”. Some of the researchers feel that because sex is a form of exercise it works in much the same way to improve memory function as well as release stress and battle depression. Further research will now be conducted to determine whether or not reaching the point of orgasm has any effect on memory function as well. Definitely a study that we are sure women will be lining up to participate. Wondering if they plan to do a similar study with men?