Rosario Dawson is one of the hottest young stars in Hollywood, so how does she feel about being called a sex symbol? Check out what she told GlobalGrind! It’s not the usual star response…
GlobalGrind: What’s the best part about being a sex symbol?
Rosario: Revenge. For all those dudes who were not even trying to holla at me when I was in elementary school, maybe not elementary school, but high school. I went to high school prom stag.
Shut up!
Yeah, it’s pretty sad. And I’ve told this before, it’s pretty funny, I met this guy who I had a huge crush on, and he was just not feeling me. I remember going and he was pushing this baby carriage, this was a couple of years later and he sees me and he was like, ‘Yo what’s up Rosario, how you doing?’ I was like, ‘I’m good [man] how you doing?’
He was like, ‘Well I told my boy that we went to school together’ and his boy was like, ‘Yo did you hit that?’ and he was like ‘Nah man, she didn’t look like that in high school.’
I was like, um, I started acting when I was 15, absolutely I did and you just didn’t see me.
How old were you in KIDS?
We shot that when I was 15. I was like, you didn’t see me, it’s fine.
You did look like this!
I’m joking, it’s not revenge, it’s weird. It’s a really weird thing. I definitely did not grow up thinking that I was sexy. I think it’s awkward in your teenage years because I was definitely a late bloomer, but I just find it really funny and I know it takes a lot of work to actually make that happen, because on a normal ‘roll out of bed’ day, I don’t think I would be topping the list of anything!