Strawberry Season Cut Short?

If you’re not stocking up on strawberries, you better get on it! Sadly, farmers in some markets are saying that strawberry season is already over. So chances are, if you head out to the strawberry patch too much later in the season, it may not be very red out there.

Farmers have been worrying about this year’s strawberries for months now, after unseasonably warm weather caused the crops to bloom early. But that just means they are ready early, so now is the time to start stocking up before you miss out on all the benefits of the super fruit.

What benefits, you ask? Strawberries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C – more than oranges and other citrus fruits – which according to the American Cancer Society, may lower the risk of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract and help fight off colds, among other things. They are also an antiviral, anticancer food, which when eaten in large amounts can help fight off all types of cancers.

Strawberries are also beneficial for those suffering from high blood pressure. High in fiber and a good source of potassium, these super berries may even help maintain a healthy blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke!

So take a ride to your nearest farmer’s market, or better yet, a strawberry picking field; nothing tastes as good as a hand-picked strawberry! When all else fails, head to the grocery store and pick up a basket of organic strawberries – just don’t buy conventionally-grown ones. Strawberries are number 3 on the Dirty Dozen list!


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