(PCM) We have some fantastic news for couples out there who enjoy nothing more than putting plans to the side and snuggling on the sofa to binge watch Netflix and “chill” all weekend! A new study that was published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships has revealed that couples who spend time together binge watching various TV shows and mores are actually strengthening their relationships in the process.
The study found that couples who bond together over TV shows, movies or reading books begin to feel more intimate with one another and their relationship gains a new level of confidence and of course what couple wouldn’t benefit from a bit of extra cuddle time with one another as well! The lead author on the study Sarah Gomillion, PhD, went on to explain that it has been known for quite some time that couples who have mutual friends create a stronger bond, however this new study further reveals that perhaps fictional characters in a TV show, book or movie can act in just the same way. Any die-hard fan of those particular mediums can attest to just how attached we find ourselves to certain characters and we then of course share that emotional attachment with our partners.
Binge-watching Netflix used to be associated with being lonely or depressed, but now research has found that it has some important social benefits, as it is far less isolating than it used to be, unless of course the two of you can’t decide what to watch. That then becomes a new issue all its’ own!