Memorial Day is just around the corner, and that means summer is within reach! But along with the beautiful warm weather also comes new dangers – dangers that many of us either don’t consider, or choose to ignore. Here’s a scary statistic from the American Academy of Dermatology that you might want to remember next time you head outdoors (or an indoor tanning bed): One in five Americans will develop some form of skin cancer during their lifetime. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, yet nearly 30 million people tan indoors in the U.S. every year, choosing to ignore the dangers.
Yes, choosing to ignore. An online survey by the American Academy of Dermatology found that 86% of females who reported using an indoor tanning bed in the last year knew it could increase the risk of skin cancer. And 48% of the indoor tanners knew someone with skin cancer or someone who’d had it! Nearly half of them also confessed to being concerned about premature wrinkles from indoor tanning.
In other words, young tanners (14-22) care more about looking good now than they do their future health. Most of the young women (66%), especially the indoor tanners (87%), thought people looked better with a bronzed body, according to the survey of more than 3,800 white non-Hispanic females, ages 14 to 22.
And with summer just around the corner, more people will be looking to get a tan on, whether it’s inside a tanning bed or baking in the hot summer sun. Of course we all would rather have a nice summer glow over the pastey white look we’ve been sporting all winter long, but at what expense?
People who use tanning beds are more than twice as likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma and 1.5 times more likely to develop basal cell carcinoma, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook if you don’t use indoor tanning beds. The UVA and UVB rays from sun are no joke! UVA rays make up the majority of our sun exposure, causing skin aging and wrinkling and also contribute to skin cancer, such as melanoma. The sun is the number one cause of prematurely aging skin – up to 90 percent of the visible changes commonly attributed to aging are caused by the sun. UVB rays can also be dangerous, causing sunburns and cataracts, and are also associated with skin cancer.
You don’t have to avoid the sun completely, but you should definitely stay away from tanning beds as well as baking for hours in the sun. You are exposed to enough UV rays as it is. Protect your skin and your health with these tips:
1. Apply sunscreen with an SPF 15 or higher 15 to 30 minutes before going outdoors. Lather on enough so that it takes a full minute to rub in. Don’t forget to apply to your face, especially around the eyes which are the most sensitive.
2. Squinting too much can also lead to unwanted wrinkles around the eyes, so don’t forget a good pair of sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection.
3. It’s especially important for children to be protected. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that all kids – regardless of their skin tone – wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Although dark skin has more protective melanin and tans more easily than it burns, tanning is also a sign of sun damage.
4. If you swim, sweat or are outdoors for a long time, reapply every two hours. Also, choose a sunscreen that is water resistant and provides a broad-spectrum protection.
5. Babies under six months of age should never be exposed to the sun.
Tips for treating a sunburn from the Skin Cancer Foundation:
1. Drink water, juice or sports drinks to replace body fluids.
2. Take acetaminophen if you have a headache, slight fever or chills.
3. Take a cool bath in tepid water to soothe and cool the skin.
4. Gently apply a light moisturizer to the skin.
5. Stay out of the sun until the burn fades.
6. If you are running a fever, see a doctor, as that would indicate possible heatstroke
7. Above all, the next time you are in the sun, do not burn!
Okay, but what about getting that golden, summer glow!? The safest, healthiest way to have a great tan is to fake it! Seriously, there are so many self-tanning products on the market these days that there really is no excuse to be seen baking in the sun all day. Try Jergens Natural Glow, which comes in different shades for the body and face. It gives you a gradual, natural tan without streaks or that fake tan look. L’Oreal Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning is another user favorite. Try different products and find one that works best for you…you’re skin will thank you!