The Exercise of Choice When You’re Short on Time

(PCM) We can’t always carve out an hour of the day to dedicate to exercise. If you’re short on time, a quick workout is always better than no workout, but one type is better than the other: When it comes down to jumping on the treadmill or hitting the weights, researchers say to go for the run.

A study published in the American Journal of Physiology found that cardio is your best bet, as it burns more calories in less time. Researchers assigned a group of overweight, sedentary adults to one of three exercise groups: aerobic training, resistance training, or a combination of both. They discovered that the adults in the aerobic group who either ran, cycled, rowed, or used the elliptical burned 67 percent more calories and lost 6.5 percent more total belly fat in less time than the other groups! The combination group had similar results, but spent more time exercising.

Resistance training is an important part of any exercise program, but when you’re short on time and want to burn calories, cardio gives you more bang for your buck, says researchers.

Bored, Scared or Just Plain Sick of the Gym? Try These Gym-Free Workouts Instead!


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