The Strangest Celebrity Phobias – From Plants to Hangers!

While we all love to idolize celebrities for their seemingly “perfect” lives, the truth is, many of them suffer from insecurities, fears, and even phobias like the rest of us…heights, snakes, spiders, hangers. Okay, maybe most of us don’t suffer from hanger phobias! Believe it or not, some celebrities have some downright weird phobias. From hangers to houseplants, here’s a list of some of the most famous celebrity phobias!

Billy Bob Thorton is afraid of antique furniture. “I get creeped out and I can’t breathe and I can’t eat around it,” he has said. He hates antiques so much he refuses to stay in a room with furniture from before 1950. This might be a rare phobia, but he’s not alone – more than 250,000 people in the U.S. alone apparently suffer from this fear of antiques.

Christina Ricci is afraid of house plants, also known as a form of botanophobia! “They’re dirty. If I have to touch one, after already being repulsed by the fact that there’s one indoors – it just freaks me out.”

Lady Gaga apparently has a whole slew of phobias! She told MTV News when questioned about her album, “The Fame Monster:” “Each song represents a different monster I have encountered on my travels; a fear of sex, a fear of alcohol, a fear of love, a fear of death, it goes on…”

Jessica Simpson has a fear of brushing her teeth! She told Ellen DeGeneres that she only brushes her teeth three times a week for fear they will become “too slippery.” I bet she regretted saying that one.

Scarlett Johansson is deathly afraid of cockroaches. She once woke up with one crawling on her face, and has been afraid of them ever since. Gross! We would be too!

Rihanna has a fish phobia! She confessed, “I’m super-scared of sea creatures. Even tiny fish. One time I was in the water – and the water in Barbados is so clear you can see your feet – I saw all these tiny fish swimming around my feet, and I had a panic attack. I just froze. This man had to lift me out of the water.”

Cheryl Cole has an irrational fear of cotton wool. She told The Sun, “I went to the dentist the other day and he put it in my mouth and I felt violated for the whole day…I hate cotton wool. I never use it, not for taking my make-up off or anything. Just the feel of it…it squeaks. Urgh. I can’t bear it.”

Carrie Underwood has a fear of crowded places. She says she used to suffer panic attacks in crowded shopping malls and elevators. Christmas shopping was her worst nightmare, and she said she still has moments when crowded elevators make her start sweating. “I’m a big personal space person,” said the fearful singer!

Kelly Osbourne is even worse! She has a phobia about personal contact, especially her neck. According to her brother Jack: “All you have to do is just touch her collarbone. It’s awesome, she starts dry-retching.”

Another irrational fear, Kylie Minogue is afraid of hangers! “The problem is I hate putting things on hangers. I have a hanger phobia – I don’t like the way they sound when you put them in the wardrobe.”

Taylor Swift blames being single on her “relationship phobia”, which leads her to dump a boyfriend as soon as she realizes he’s not the “one”. She tells Allure magazine, “It’s a little strange that I’m typically single a lot. I have a phobia about being in the wrong relationship. So as soon as I establish it’s not the right one, I don’t want to waste their time.”

Megan Fox hates paper, especially newspaper. She says this isn’t a phobia, though, it’s more like people who get the chills when they hear fingernails on a chalkboard.

Matthew McConaughey has a fear of tunnels and revolving doors. He claims he feels anxious about even getting near revolving doors! Being in a tunnel doesn’t bother him, it’s the point where you have to go underground to enter the tunnel that freaks him out!

Pamela Anderson fears mirrors. She looks pretty good for something who is frightened by mirrors!

Johnny Depp is afraid of clowns. “Something about the painted face, the fake smile,” Depp said. “There always seemed to be a darkness lurking just under the surface, a potential for real evil.”

Orlando Bloom is scared of pigs.

Nicole Kidman suffers from lepidopterophobe – a fear of butterflies. “It’s so bizarre. I’m not afraid of snakes or spiders. But I’m scared of butterflies,” she told In Style. At least she knows it’s weird!

Uma Thurman is claustrophobic and fears confined spaces. “There was no acting required. Real screams available,” she told reporters about the scene in “Kill Bill: Vol. 2” where she is buried alive in a coffin. “It was horrific. Nobody wants to live that experience.”

Kim Basinger, on the other hand, fears wide, open spaces.

Ashley Greene gets freaked out by Santa Clause! Ever since she was little the jolly old man sent her running in the opposite direction.

TV’s vampire-slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar has a real fear of graveyards. So how did she manage to slay vampires all those years late at night in the graveyards? She didn’t! She refused to ever film “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” in a real one!

Madonna is afraid of thunder, also known as Brontophobia.

Alfred Hitchcock is afraid of eggs, specifically runny ones! Interesting!

Tyra Banks has a fear of dolphins! She’s been scared of the swimmers since she was about eight years old. “I have dreams that I am in a pool and there are dolphins bumping me and I’m frightened,” she has said.


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