Do You Want Crack With That? McDonalds Drugs Busted

McLovin McDrugs(PCM) Move over McLovin’, now there is McCrackin’.

In an upscale suburb of Philadelphia, PA a McDonalds employee wasn’t just asking if you want fries with your meal. But customers apparently were still “lovin it”.

Allen Trammell has been arrested by Radnor Police at the Mainline McDonalds holding 57 bags of crack cocaine. The police describe Trammell as a street level dealer that made his sales by word-of-mouth selling dime bags of crack.

Earning an estimated $1,500 a week, Trammell clearly didn’t need to work at McDonalds if for no other reason than to use it as location to be found.

Trammell Accused of Selling  Crack Cocaine at McDonalds
Trammell Accused of Selling Crack Cocaine at McDonalds

To catch Trammell, police set up a sting operation starting back in June making four buys from Trammell. In the end Trammell was arrested in the McDonalds parking lot.

In fairness to McDonalds, Trammell didn’t work the drive through. The Radnor police do have a sense of humor on the subject. Lieutenant Andy Block is quoted, “When not working as a crew and preparing food, he was out in the rear parking log selling crack cocaine. So in a sense, it can give you a new definition of what may be considered a happy meal.”

Trammel doe have two previous drug convictions dating back to 2005 and even served prison time for his actions.

McDonalds is now becoming synonymous with drive through drugs.  Similar incidents have taken place in the past.

  • 2009 – Pittsburgh PA – Heroin
  • 2010 – Floresville TX – Pot
  • 2013 – Mequon WI – Money laundering for Drugs
  • 2014 – Pittsburgh PA – Heroin
  • 2014 – Philadelphia PA – Crack Cocaine

The local McDonalds had the same response provided when a Pittsburgh McDonalds experienced a similar incident in 2009. “No comment.”


PCM Lifestyle